Vixen Focuser Rack and Pinion Adjustments & Pinion replacement
VMC Focuser
When you attach the pinion gear shaft to the focuser unit with the cover plate, you need to fix the cover plate with screws and washers.
In this process, the washers are placed on the screws that are located in the objective lens side. No washers are needed for the screws in the eyepiece side.
Tighten the screws in the objective lens side first and then, tighten the other side of the screws gradually for adjustments.
This can eliminate an image shift.
Additional procedure:
1) Loosen the two screws of the pinion gear cover plate where the washers are placed.
2) Equally tighten two small set screws on the top of the focuser for adjustments so that image shift can disappear.
3) Tighten the two screws in 1) equally for adjustments so that slackness of the pinion gear decrease to a minimum.
If the above cannot eliminate the image shift, this could be considered as best adjustment possible.
Best regards,
T. Kawai
Vixen Co., Ltd.
Contact Vixen Optics to order a replacement parts.
Vixen FL & ED Focuser Adjustments Focuser
1) Remove the pinion gear from the focuser. 2) Loosen the black draw tube lock Knob and two adjusters on the both ends of the focuser
3) First, tighten only the knob softly to fix the draw tube stably.
Then, turn the two adjusters softly with an Allen wench until you tap its screw on the draw tube.
You need to do this adjustment uniformly.4) Loosen the knob and check the stiffness of the draw tube by moving it forward and backward.
If you can move the drawtube smoothly, it will result in shake up and down.5) After you successfully adjust the draw tube to be a little stiff, attach the pinion gear and finish the focuser.
As the adjustment is not easy, you will repeat the above procedure many times. Please try your best without giving up.
Best regards,
Vixen Optical Industries Ltd.
T. Kawai, Sales Dept.
Last updated 28-Aug-2019